Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of London



London, ON Saturday April 19th, 2014 at 10:47 PM

LTC Operator saved the day

I witnessed a female LTC operator on the 26 Jalna Blvd. run today assist an elderly lady to get the 6 Richmond bus. She sent a text message to the other operator while she was stopped since the bus was driving away. Not only did she stop at the Richmond and Dundas traffic light to pick her up but she drove her to Richmond and York where she could get the 6 Richmond even though the driver honked her horn to the other driver in the beginning. I wanted to say kudos to her and the male transit operator for picking up this elderly lady because she needed to get to the hospital.

London has some compassionate people just like Windsor. Good job people.

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