Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of London



London, ON Tuesday December 24th, 2013 at 9:39 PM

Dear City of Windsor:

Since I have now moved to London, Ontario, I just wanted to wish all of my friends and people I know in Windsor a Merry Christmas!!

Even though I will be spending Christmas on my own, I decided to make 83 custom made cards that I made and I delivered them to the Regional Mental Health Care in London, Ontario in helping others who may not have anyone to spend the holidays with to make their day a lot brighter for those people who may not have their loved ones with them.

This is one of the cards I have attached to this site to show people what kind of card I drew for the patients.

I wanted to say kudos to all the Windsorites that have helped others in need and I wanted to do the same thing in London, Ontario since I wanted to re-unite the people in that facility.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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