Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of London



London, ON Thursday March 31st, 2016 at 3:26 PM

Rainy Day Blues

March 31st is a rainy rainy day. My 5 yr olf daughters class went to the sugarbush today. I would not allow her to go so we had a mommy and daughter day.
In the morning we did a little shopping and in the afternoon we decided to go see a movie.
We went to Silver City in Masonville Mall as it was the only theater showing a 1pm movie.
We got through about 1/ 2 hr of the movie and she wanted to leave, she said it was too loud!
On the way out the ticket taker asked what was wrong and why we were leaving? I replied that she said it was too loud and chuckled, to which he said what theater are you in? I replied 7.
She went out to the lobby to play games and he a few minutes later came up to me and stated that he had gone in and requested that the volume be turned down and it in fact was.
I thanked him very much with appreciation but by that time it had already lost her interest.
Thank you so much for your kindness towards my babygirl!

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